Xuě Yā overhears Xíng Hài’s plan to use the Void Junction to travel back in time to restore Zhào Jūn Lín’s demonic form and informs Bù Huàn, whose party just arrived into the Void Juncton. Seeing no surprise reaction, Xuě Yā deduces Bù Huàn has used the Scrying Mirror to travel through time before. Wū Yáo rebukes Bù Huàn for not sharing this knowledge and use it to go back to the past and save Tiān Mìng. Xuě Yā uses a Scrying Mirror to forcibly teleport Bù Huàn and Wū Yáo away just as Yì Piāomiǎo arrives, while Cán Yún goes into hiding. Xuě Yā convinces Piāomiǎo that his conversation with Bù Huàn is part of a deceitful plot against him.