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Thunderbolt Fantasy English Subbed: 3x12

The Patriot, Once Again

Jūn Pò informs both soldiers of Xī Yōu and the Order of the Divine Swarm of the truth surrounding the Void Junction, as well as him being a double-agent, and intends to stop Zhào Jūn Lín. Despite the animosity from both sides, the soldiers choose to join Jūn Pò in destroying all the Scrying Mirrors. Jūn Pò sets Xuě Yā free but keeps Bù Huàn imprisoned due to his loyalty to Míng Huáng, and that he intends to fight Zhào Jūn Lín alone using the Sorcerous Sword Index. Jūn Pò then tells Bù Huàn that should the latter free himself somehow, they would have one final battle for possession of the Index.

Thunderbolt Fantasy Season 3 Episode 12 English Subbed
Jun. 19, 2021

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